If you own a house, home insurance usually includes coverage of personal property. The policy may pay for the repair or replacement of your belongings following a covered event —such as vandalism, theft, or a fire. This article discusses how home insurance helps you protect your belongings at home and elsewhere.
Home Insurance Covers Personal Property
In addition to protecting your home and providing liability protection, most insurers include personal property in their home insurance policies. You can find the limits in your policy outline or ask your LIA - Lalani Insurance Agency agent to explain your particular coverage options.
If your home suffers damage due to a covered event, home insurance may help you pay for damage to the structure and for your belongings inside the home. Read your policy carefully so that you understand exactly what's covered.
Personal Belongings Covered
Most policies include some type of provision for personal items. Covered belongings include sports equipment, furniture, clothes, and other things lost or damaged by a covered event. Some policies pay up to 70 percent of the replacement cost for the home.
You may wish to keep a list of your valuables in a secure location outside the home, such as a safety deposit box. Include copies of appraisals for expensive items. This list may prove invaluable if your belongings are stolen or damaged.
Home insurance usually covers art, jewelry, furs, clothing, and furniture. For items that may exceed the limit of your coverage, consider adjusting your limits. Your insurance agent can explain the options under your policy.
Trees, plants, and shrubs are often covered for up to $500 each.
Lost Or Stolen Luggage
While you're traveling, your home insurance policy might cover your luggage and personal belongings. If you lose your luggage at the airport or on the train, you could file a claim to reimburse you for the value of the contents.
Some policies extend coverage to items you ship back home while traveling. So, if you buy expensive flatware and ship it home, rest easy. Your home insurance policy could write you a check for the value of the items if you never receive them.
What's Covered In Your Policy?
Having home insurance gives you peace of mind that you can replace items in the event of a covered peril. However, you should ask your LIA - Lalani Insurance Agency agent what coverage you have access to. For more expensive items, you may need to purchase additional coverage to ensure you recoup your losses in the case of a disaster.